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Delivering mail by sled in Lisbon

Delivering Mail Across the North Country

Keeping the North Country connected and in letters is hard work. Over the decades, in spite of adverse weather, and through all kinds of terrain, mail carriers have delivered letters to people in even the most secluded areas. Collected here are photos of the many ways (plane, boat, sled!) that mail has been transported across the North Country for the last […]

Demonstrate devices for the blind at Crandall Public Library in Glens Falls

In and around Crandall Public Library in Glens Falls

Photos of the patrons, staff, and volunteers going about business, education, and play at the Crandall Public Library, in the 1960s and 1970s. All photos are courtesy of the Crandall Public Library Photograph Collection, The Folklife Center at Crandall Public Library.

Warren Allen and Steve Zehr boil maple sap into syrup at the Allen sugarhouse.

Watertown at Work Audio Exhibit

Collected here are all of the audio stories on exhibit for the Watertown at Work photo and audio exhibit. They include dairy farming, dental hygiene, maple sugaring, and radio announcing, among others!

Running Logs in North Country Rivers

In the heyday of logging in the Adirondacks, logs were transported en mass on the waterways of the Adirondacks in log drives. Collected here are photos of log drives from 1890-1940.

Mohawk ironworkers look out over the NYC skyline

Ironworking with Darryl Lazore

Iron working is often death-defying work. Many Mohawk residents of the North Country spent their careers perched on iron beams high in the sky, bolting, cutting and connecting massive iron beams for high rises, bridges and buildings across the country. Akwesasne resident Darryl Lazore, who worked as an ironworker for 35 years, donated these photos, […]

North Country Music

Orchestras, rock bands, quartets, folk groups, choruses, and high school bands- all sorts of different music groups have played in the North Country. Collected here are some favorite photos of music groups in our region.

Cows of the North Country

Driving through the North Country, you’re bound to pass by at least a few cows at pasture. They’re an integral part of the economy and people’s daily lives in our region. Collected here are photos of cows from the 1890s to the 2010s