Type of Work: Retail and Services

Main street shops in Hammond

Southwest side of Main Street in Hammond, picturing the Post Office, Rodger’s Grocery Store, Wylie’s Drug Store, and a barbershop. Circa 1910-1920. Destroyed by fires in 1936 and 1951.Hammond, NY.

WD Evans Manufacturing office interior in Hammond

Office of WD Evans, manufacturer of farm implements. Pictured are two employees; the woman on the left was bookkeeper Fan More. The office was located within the “Frank Felt block.” 1914. Hammond, NY.

Star Route carrier delivering mail in Rossie

Elmer Sprague, Star Route carrier, delivering mail to Rossie Post Office. Model A Ford has half-tracks on for winter driving – to get them on he had to remove fender. Circa 1930s. Rossie, NY.

Addie Youngs Gibson’s Beauty Shop in Hammond

Two women, possibly employees, standing outside Helene Dunham Paddock and Addie Youngs Gibson’s Beauty Shop, where one could get a haircut for 35 cents. It was located on the ground floor of Will Grant’s house. Circa 1920s. Hammond, NY.

New York Central Depot office in Hammond

New York Central Depot office, which sold tickets for trains and had a telephone. Ticket window visible on left. Pictured are the Jones couple and their son Stephen. Circa 1900 – 1910. Hammond, NY.

Sturgeon catch in Hammond

Sturgeon taken from the St. Lawrence River by Lawrence Taylor. Circa late 1940s or early 1950s. Hammond, NY. Check out this North Country at Work story on one man’s job as a sturgeon fisher.