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The North Creek Express driving skiers to Little Gore Mountain |

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The North Creek Express driving skiers to Little Gore Mountain

This photo was taken on March 4th 1934 – a historic day in North Creek. On this day, the first ski train from New York City arrived, carrying with it skiers who would stay in local boarding houses and ski at Little Gore, Gore, and Garnet Hill, as well as other local ski areas. The ski train (officially called, “Winter Sports Excursion”) provided an important source of winter income for the town. As many as 3,000 skiers would come each weekend to the North Creek depot, where they would unload from the train and be picked up by locals. March 4, 1934. North Creek, NY. Photo courtesy of the Johnsburg Historical Society.

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North Country Public Radio is not the owner or holder of copyright for any images within the North Country at Work archive. For uses of a photo (other than educational or non-commercial purposes), contact the photo’s institution of origin.