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A miner at work in Pit #2 of Barton Mines in Ruby Mountain |

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A miner at work in Pit #2 of Barton Mines in Ruby Mountain

Miner working in Pit #2 of Barton Mines. Barton Mines originated in Johnsburg in 1878 after Henry Hudson Barton discovered that crushed garnet glued to paper made excellent sandpaper. Large garnet deposits were found on the side of Gore Mountain. Garnet mining was incredibly important to the Johnsburg economy, but mining was a hard life. Miners made little money (around $1.50/day in the early 1900s), and there were many hazards. The Barton Mines Corporation is still in existence today, making it the oldest continuous garnet mine in the world, with mining primary at Ruby Mountain. Circa 1920. Ruby Mountain, NY. Photo courtesy of the Johnsburg Historical Society.

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North Country Public Radio is not the owner or holder of copyright for any images within the North Country at Work archive. For uses of a photo (other than educational or non-commercial purposes), contact the photo’s institution of origin.