Type of Work: Emergency Services

Firemen and firetruck in Great Bend

Great Bend Firemen (1st department) stand in “uniform” in front of their fire truck. Circa 1938. Great Bend, NY. Men, from left to right, are: Paul Snyder, Leonard (Mose) Wiltonstock, Floyd Rendle (chief), Harold Comstock, Joel Bacon, Jerome Sisson, James Call, Fred Sterling, James Green, and C. B. Dodge.

Red Cross First Aid Station in Black River

Pictured in front of ambulance and Red Cross First Aid Station, left to right, Mr. O’Connor, Helen Redelsperger, Mildred Green, Kathleen Duffy, Mrs. Colwell Soules, Veronica Fiesthamel, Margaret Parry, Mrs. John W. Solar and Rhoda Colwell. Circa 1938. Black River, NY.

Retired firefighters in Adams

Retired firefighters from the Adams Fire Department posed around fire pump. The June 10, 1820 date on pump was apparently a significant date for the Department and the retired men may have been gathered to note an anniversary of that date. Circa 1890s. Adams, NY.

Firefighters battling a blaze

Firefighters battling a blaze. Circa 1930. Possibly in Saranac Lake, NY. Definite location unknown. Related article on volunteer firefighters across the region, here.