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Type of Work: Education |

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Type of Work: Education

Barn manager and students with ewe and lambs

North Country School barn manager with students in Lake Placid

The North Country School’s barn manager Erica Burns (left) talks with people in the barn after the school’s 10 ewes gave birth. Lake Placid, NY. February 18, 2021. Photo courtesy of the North Country School. Burns has been the barn manager at the North Country School for over three years. Check out her North Country […]

Erica Burns holding a lamb

North Country School Barn Manager with lamb in Lake Placid

The North Country School’s Barn Manager Erica Burns holds a lamb. Lake Placid, NY. March 2021. Photo by Andy Flynn. Burns has been the barn manager at the North Country School for over three years. Check out her North Country at Work story here.

Erica Burns with horse Clover

North Country School Barn Manager with horse in Lake Placid

The North Country School’s Barn Manager Erica Burns with Clover, one of the school’s horses. Lake Placid, NY. March 2021. Photo by Andy Flynn. Burns has been the barn manager at the North Country School for over three years. Check out her North Country at Work story here.

Students butchering a pig

Butchering a pig at the Akwesasne Freedom School

Teacher Iawentas Nanticoke (left), Ierennanihsaks Nanticoke (center) and Iaonhawinon, Akwesasne Freedom School alum, butcher, and chef (right) butcher a pig. Akwesasne. February 2019. Photo courtesy of the Akwesasne Freedom School.

Making wampum belts

Making wampum belts in Akwesasne

Hands at work making wampum belts and strings at Margaret Boots Cree Wampum bead class. Akwesasne. 1980. Photo from the Akwesasne Cultural Center Museum archives.

Wenknitanwon Seymour on teaching at the Akwesasne Freedom School

Wenknitanwon Seymour was in her twentieth year of teaching at the Akwesasne Freedom School and about to retire. She said that she’s seen student’s appreciation for the school change over the years, but that recently they seem to appreciate learning their own language and culture.