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Type of Work: Arts |

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Type of Work: Arts

Gouverneur Orchestra

The Gouverneur Orchestra featured William F. Sudds, on center violin, who was also an instrument maker and the owner of a music store. Circa 1875-1885. Gouverneur, NY.

Sudds Music Store in Gouverenur

Some of the instruments sold were built by William F. Sudds. Sudds came to Gouverneur in the 1860s as a professor at Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary. He gave music lessons and sold instruments at his store. Circa 1898 (note McKinley poster in right store window). Gouverneur, NY. Curious about music in the North Country? Check out […]

Founders of library in Heuvelton

First members of the Heuvelton University Extension Club. These women and their successors were the founders of Heuvelton’s library. Pictured left to right are: Elizabeth (Libby) Cranston, Amy Norton (teacher), Della Brown George, Alice Warren (teacher), Lida Gray Hanna, Jeanette Moore Burnside, Sarah Hanson, Laura Washburn (teacher), Jessie Farmer Blood, Jeanette Ballantine, Mabel Spooner, Pearl […]

Playing the organ at Zion Episcopal Church in Colton

Myrtle Bullis playing the organ at Colton’s Zion Episcopal Church, where she had been organist for 62 years when this photo was taken in 1963. She began playing in 1901. Colton, NY. North Country at Work has a story about a man who restores organs, pianos, and player pianos. Check it out here.