Tag: food

Dining outside The Basket Shop restaurant in Harrisville

Diners sitting at long board tables outside the The Basket Shop, a dance hall and eatery owned by I.M.Priest, which sold boats, tackle, souvenirs, ice cream, soda, and soft drinks, according to signs on the building’s exterior. Late 1920s. Harrisville, NY.

McKeever Logging Camp dining room before a meal in Harrisville

The dining room of the McKeever Logging Camp, empty except for the cooks, Henry and Clara Stevens (on the left), who were from Pitcairn. The younger man on the right is Hershell Iruin, and he was the “choreboy.” Caption written on photo reads: WINTER OF 1911 to 1912 – MCKEEVER LOGGING CAMP – WAITING FOR […]

McKeever Logging Camp dining room in Harrisville

The dining room of the McKeever Logging Camp, filled with loggers during a meal. Caption on photo reads: WINTER OF 1911 to 1912 – MCKEEVER LOGGING CAMP – HARD WORKING LUMBERJACKS AND HEARTY EATERS HENRY AND CLARA STEVENS, COOKS FROM PITCAIRN – HERSHELL IRUIN, CHORE BOY. Winter of 1911 to 1912. Harrisville, NY.

Grimm Cheese Factory exterior in Harrisville

Unidentified man and woman  outside the Grimm Cheese Factory in Harrisville. On right is a winch which was  used to lift fifty gallon milk cans up.  Round pressing boards, used for pressing wheels of cheese, are scattered around the yard. Cheesecloth was hung out to dry (doorway of building). Circa 1890-1900. Harrisville, NY.

Milk plant next to railroad tracks in Morristown

Milk plant (name unknown) next to the railroad tracks and river. Owned by Nestles prior to WWI; during the war the plant made condensed milk for the war effort. The plant employed 150 people and Ernest Rogers was the superintendent. The plant later sold to the Dairyman’s League (circa 1930), and then sold again in […]

Humes family boiling syrup at the sugarbush in Harrisville

(Right to left) Warren Humes, Mrs. Coulon, Hazel B. Worden, Ward Saunders, Wendell Humes, Dan Cleveland. Taken at Warren Humes’ sugarbush. To the far right is the big kettle to boil syrup in, Warren Humes testing temperature. Hired help and sons pictured as well. Harrisville, NY. Circa 1910.