Tag: farm

Running a not-for-profit on art, agriculture, & cooking in Keene Valley

Running a non-profit about art, agriculture, & cooking in Keene Valley

Craigardan is a not-for-profit educational organization in Keene. People of all ages come there for residencies, workshops, and classes in agriculture, the arts, and culinary studies. Barbara Tam founded it two years ago with Michele Drozd. Listen here to Barbara explain what Craigardan does, and why.

Dairy Cattle in a Clinton County barn

Atwood Orchard cattle in Clinton County

Atwood Orchard cattle in a barn on the Turnpike Road in Clinton County. Exact date unknown, circa 1930-1940. Clinton County Historical Association. Brewer Collection.

Boy stands behind cow in a paddock

Boy stands behind cow in a paddock

Boy stands behind a cow in a paddock. Note the ring through the cow’s nose. Circa 1900-1910. Long Lake, NY. Photo courtesy of the Town of Long Lake Archives.