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The Hollywood Shop soda fountain in Carthage |

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The Hollywood Shop soda fountain in Carthage

Arthur Post in his soda fountain located at 252 State Street around 1923.  It was named The Hollywood Shop, probably due to its proximity to the Strand Theater (formerly at 250 State).  Using business directories, ownership to changed hands as follows:  1927, Ralph E. Bennett; 1930, now called Ye Hollywood Shop, M. C. Bennett proprietor; 1943, Harry’s Sweet Shop, operated by Harry Liberatos.  Circa 1920s. Carthage, NY.

We may no longer have soda bars, but one Canton business is busy pressing fresh apple cider – check out the North Country at Work story here.

Photo from the Carthage Free Library’s Heritage Room Collection, info compiled by Lynn Thornton.


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North Country Public Radio is not the owner or holder of copyright for any images within the North Country at Work archive. For uses of a photo (other than educational or non-commercial purposes), contact the photo’s institution of origin.