Tag: summer

The Black and White Dairy Cattle Show in Heuvelton

The Black and White Dairy Cattle Show in downtown Heuvelton, during which dairy farmers showed their Holstein cattle. Circa 1920. Heuvelton, NY. The audio clip is from Bryan Thompson, who grew up near Heuvelton.

Sherwins Mill on Grasse River in Canton

Sherwins Mill: Flour, Seed & Farm Seed. Erected in 1859-60 by Lucius Moody (brother-in-law of Silas Wright), the mill was originally a fine three story brick building, 40’ by 60’ in size, that housed four runs of stones and machinery for grinding out wheat, oats, barley, corn, and buckwheat. Ownership passed from Moody to Hodskin […]

The Plaindealer Block on Main Street in Canton

The Plaindealer Block on Canton’s Main Street (so called for the Saint Lawrence Plaindealer offices located there), picturing the J.H. McIntosh and American Express Company and unidentified men. Circa 1900. Canton, NY.

Second Union block in Canton

Second Union Block (which burned down in 1880) featuring a clothing store, printing office, and furniture store. Circa 1875. Canton, NY.

Silas Wright’s celebrated chrome beam fire engine in Canton

Silas Wright’s celebrated chrome beam fire engine. The white horses were called Billy and Tom, and they were the property of Ansil Watson, the driver for the Village street department. Dick Fobare holds the reins and Charles Cook, chief engineer, sits beside him. George Maine, who soaked the boiler, is standing. Circa 1905. Canton, NY.